frog farm 6 (6/12/2024)

Source: mokkapresti
Source: mokkapresti

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Source: mokkapresti

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Source: mokkapresti

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Source: tkkjee
Source: mokkapresti

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Source: mokkapresti
Source: [wdv]

egg groupchat

show setup. new merch table set up as well with taylor and val!

show starts! frogex is our new music frog!

oh and what’s this? froglisa?



kelly reading comics!

jack-henry lee’s new short!

my fav short from irving’s set

damn frogex and frogghoul team up for a wild intermission set!!!

what the hell is in this freakin’ egg?????

this music vid that alex showed was very very good!

(despite mild tech disaster) nick’s set was great…


sara came on the show, said she knows about froglisa but she’s never met her…

her short!!!!

what’s this???

guess you’ll have to come to the next show…woops

thanks for coming to frog farm 6. felt a bit riddled with tech issues, but everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves so that’s nice :)

next show is Friday August 23rd at Littlefield…very excited. maybe we’ll finally learn what OR who is inside that freakin’ egg. catch ya later - Alex